Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer, Birthday, and Chicago!

Well, I woke up this morning and realized that it has been a really long time since I last blogged. And I find out that is has been almost a month, so I will have to do some catching up.
On the 27th I had my birthday, which was amazing, as always. I got a whole bunch of CDs and books, and cash!( which I plan to save... not happening though).

I finsihed reading Slaughther-House Five for A.P Lit next year, and it was amazing, one of my new favorites, and now I am about half way through Wuthering Heights, which I like just as much.

On the 15 of July, I will be leaving for Chicago, where I will be going to Le Cordon Bleu cooking school for a three day "cooking camp." I am not entirely sure what I will be doin gthere, I will just have to wing it. But I have all my required clothes, and now I am just waiting... and waiting, to go. We leave the15 and the classes are from 8:00-2:00, the 16, 17 and 18. I am so glad I agt afternoons off, because than I get to waste them in the city ( which is my favorite city in the US).

Oh, I am completly obsessed with Sandra Bullock now, I started watching all the movies she has been in and they are all amazing. And I saw the first Sex in the City movie, and I now love it, and need to see the second, and I am dying to see Harry Potter #7. I just need to find a craft or hobbie to keep most of my day occupied, so I am not just watching TV and movies all day long.

Once I finish Wuthering Heights I have to read A Brave New World, and The Glass Castle, everyone says they are really good bookes, so I am super excited to read them.
I will be learning how to make bread this next week, it sounds like it will me semi easy, but thats what I said when I first made a Souffle ( which I can do with perfection now!) Oh well we will see what happens.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Friday, June 11, 2010

Five More Days

So we have only five days of school left and I can't wait to be out.
Yeaterday June 10, was Judy Garlands birthday and Turner Classic Movies was playing a Judy marathon, which I watched and loved.
By the end of the night I was all sung and danced out, but still made it through this weeks So you think you can dance.
In english sinve there are only two students left we are able to relax a bit and so far we have watched V for Vendetta, we are watching Equilibrium, and we are going to watch Pleasantville. We are also doing college prep work and I am getting ready for AP. Literature next fall. We have to read four books over the summer, and so far I am reading Slaughter-House Five, and I have Wuthering Heights, and The Glass Castle, but Monday I will need to get another.
Basically all we have to do is read the books and blog about them, which shouldn't be too hard because I am kinda doing that right now.
Guess what? There is supposed to be a Lunar Eclipse on the 26th of June, the night before my birthday, I hope I will be able to see it.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I can't wait for summer to be here, I am ready to be out of school and be semi-free.
Even though I do love school, I am sick of waking up at 6:00 in the morning, and acting all morning like I am awake enough to learn.
For my freinds out there, it is a lie! I am actually not ready for learning until
2nd & 3rd Block. I guess I am just a really talented actor.
This summer I plan to do four things, and I will need all the help I can to finish them.
1st I plan to start to re-learn the piano, and remember more than one song.
2nd I plan to re-learn as much Italin as I can from the great book and CDs I bought from Barnes & Noble.
3rd I plan to read as much as I can.(I plan to get alot of books for my birthday... because thats all I asked for).
And finally I plan to have the most fun I can possible have, and make this one of the best summers.
And when it is all done, I will attempt to store all the knowledge I picked up during the summer in some empty space of my brain, and find a spot for the stuff I will learn Senior year.

I will be compleatly insane by July!

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lady Gaga!

What can I say about Lady Gaga?
I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been with her from the moment I discovered her, and look what she has become. One of the greatetst and most rememberable performers in the world. And, in my opinion, she is exactly what this world needed. We were in a kind of a rut, with music that sounded the same, and borderline boring performances. Then out of nowhere this lady comes and almost everything we knew about the typical concert or musical performance was instantly changed. Now I do understand that she is a bit much to talk for the older groups/ the more conservative groups( for lack of a better name) but you have to admit the lady can put on a good show.
The one thing I love about the image she has created is that tons and tons of people call her a freak!
Every time someone calls her a freak or weird, in my head I am thinking "success!"
I don't want her to be just like everyone else, the way she acts is one of the reasons I love her, along with her music. Me and a friend just started a facebook group titled " Lady Gaga Mafia" and it is filled with all sorts of Gaga news and videos, its great!
So keep it coming people, everytime you say how weird she is, it just feeds the good fire of Gaga power.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Its Raining!!!!

My absolute favorite weather ever!!!
I think I am the only person I know who actually prefers a dreary, rainy day over a hot sunny one.
Some say I am crazy, and perhaps its true, but I still love it.
Sometimes when I am home alone and it is raining I will put a folding chain in the garage, open the door and watch it rain.
You are possibly thinking, wow that sounds boring, almost like paint drying.
But I am so obsessed with the rain I could sit and watch it for hours.
And don't get me started on thunderstorms, one of my favorite things is a real honest to goodness thunderstorm. They are so exciting!!! I love them. Hopefully we will get one soon, it kind of rained today, but by the time I was able to get outside the rain had stopped. But the sky looks questionable right now, so hopefully we will get some rain.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What to do?

Well I have no idea what to write about.
Of course an idea will hit me 5 seconds after posting this but who really cares.
I am so glad I found Dancing with the Stars, and all the people I liked from the begining are still on the show.
Glee is back and the second episode aired lastnight. It was HILAROUS!!!
Sue is so funny, expecially doing her Madonna impressions, and making fun of Mr. Shoe's ( spelling?) hair.
I can't wait for Bones tomorrow night and Ghost Whisperer on Friday.
I am too involved with tv.
I don't think its a bad thing..... I hope.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is Julia Child, Bon Appetit!

Oh, Julia!
What can I say? Her food is AMAZING!!!! Really its Frances food, but its because of her that I have eaten it. After I saw the movie Julie & Julia I made my dad drive across the street to get her cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. And ever since seeing that movie I have wanted a blog. And now I have one. Its all her fault too.
But since I saw that movie I have been cooking like mad, forcing my family and some of my friends to eat what I have cooked.
I have no complaints....yet.
Its just really good food, and the deserts.. AAAHHHHH!!
They are like eating heaven!

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


What can I say about Judy Garland?
This wonderful woman started a whole new phase in my life, and it happened the first time I saw The Wizard of Oz. I don't even remember the first time I saw it because I was still very little then, but I do remember watching her in that movie almost weekly. Even though it annoyed the crap out of everyone around me. And to this day it is still my favorite movie of all time.
In this last year I have discovered many of her other movies and some of the shows she has done. The two things they have done is amaze the crap out of me, and bugg my family and friends when I continually talk about them.
I would like to believe that Judy would have been an amazing person to be around, and everyone knows they would freak out if Judy Garland started talking to them.
I know I would. I might go mute for a while, which is odd for me.
Some of the obsessions I have come and go, but I don't think I will ever be able to get rid of this one... not that I would ever try.

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?”

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The always amazing Audrey.

Audrey Hepburn, My favorite actress of all time. In mind no one can beat Audrey.
I love everything about her, her acting, the movies she was in, her accent, her ideas , and her involvement with UNICEF. Everytime I find somethin new about her, I go absolutely crazy.
This goes along with my list of obsessions too, evertime I see the picture of her at Target, I go insane.. And then I end up yelling AUDREY!!!
I have only seen a few of her movies, but there is not one I have seen that I did not like.
Roman Holiday, Sabrina, War & Peace, Funny Face, A Nun's Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and My Fair Lady are all I have seen, and I love everyone of them.
I don't know of anyone who can say that they don't like this woman, and if I do meet someone who says they don't like her, I might go insane, literally.
Lets hope that doesn't ever happen though, because then I will be forced to re start the Hepburn mafia, ( made up by me) and use it do deal with those hateful people.
On that crazy not, I am out for tonight, and I am still trying to think of something clever to say as a closing statement, with no success.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Movies and pizza, the fun I can have.

First of all you need to know that just this year I switched schools, and had to make a whoel new set of friends. Sounds like so much fun doesn't it?
No, it wasn't but now I have friends from both schools, and having loads of fun.
Tonight I am having a movie & Pizza party with friends from both schools.
I am really excited, because movies and food are what I live for.
Now I love any movie with Lucille Ball, Judy Garland, or Audrey Hepburn in it, no question sasked. But not all of my friends can handle them, but I have successfully converted a few to the world of classic movies.
Now the only movie I do know we are watching it Chicago, with Richard Gere, Katherine Zeta- Jones, and Renee Zellewegger ( spelling?) you know the one I am talking about?
Most have never see it so I took it upon myself to end that type of victimless crime.
Other then that I am making them decide from the movies I have.
Well party in 10 minutes!
Good evening.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Who Loves Lucy?

Ok, so once in a Blue Moon, I discover something or someone, and become compleatly obsessed with them. I will see them on tv, in a movie, or I will read something intresting and find something that makes me think " How could I have ever lived without this?"
First topic: Lucille Ball
Let me tell you all a little story.
One drizzly day after school I went over to me grandparents house and decided to watch the next show that came on no matter what it was. Now you may be thinking, what a dangerous little game to be playing. But I was relived to find it was a simple comedy about a red headed wife and her cuban, band leader husband.
The first episode I saw was titled "The Diet" and I was hooked for life.
Since that day my enjoyment of the show has compleatly exploded and now every time I see something remotly related to Lucy, I have to start pointing it out to everyone near me. Even though it drives them insane. Its only been about a year, but I have managed to annoy family,friends, and 3 complete stranger for a lifetime.
And no I am not sorry, deal with it, it makes my life more intresting.
You maybe thinking, how many things could think guy be obsessed with? ( or you are thinking it now because I just wrote it).
Let me tell you, I am obsessed, and in love with so many things I sometimes forget about them until someone reminds me, opening a whole whopping can of worms they never saw comming. And you never saw them coming , because I am about to share some of them with you. Good luck keeping your sanity.
Time for Facebook, and Will & Grace ( possible topic fro my next blog)
That is your only warning!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello World. How are you?

This is my first ever blog. I know I am new.
Hello, how are you all doing to day?
I would first like to pose the question: Why can't the world be more like the emerald city? Life seems so much simpler for those green clad city folk.
I don't know about you, but one of my main missions in life is to live in the Emerald City.
And no I am not joking.
I would die if I got a chance to go there, but then I would be dead so I guess that would not work out too well.
I LOVE THE WIZARD OF OZ! Incase you didn't know already.
Yes I am a bit loony. You don't mind do you? Who ever you are.
But good news I recentally read a tee-shirt and it said that Seattle was also called the Emerald City. If this is true, I might be closer to my dream than I though.
Goodbye for tonight, time for me to go to bed. (I will think of a clever ending saying later).